My Recipient has not seen the money

Why does it say my transfer's complete when the money hasn't arrived yet?

Michael Bernard

Last Update há 7 meses

We mark your transfer Complete when we’ve sent the money to the recipient bank. And we leave a little room in our arrival estimate for the bank to process and release it.

If your recipient says they haven’t yet received the money, there are two possible reasons why.

1. The receiving bank is still processing the money

But some banks are slower than others — they might take up to 1 working day for them to release the money. So your money’s safely on its way, but the recipient bank is still processing it. Your recipient can ask their bank to speed this up. They’ll need a transfer receipt that has all the details.

2. The money has arrived, but it looks a bit different

Your recipient might not recognize the transfer when it arrives in their account. Using the transfer receipt, we recommend they check:

  • The sender name and reference. Your recipient can identify it from the reference number.
  • The currency and amount. Your recipient’s account might be in a different currency than the one you’ve sent them. In this case, their bank will convert the money again, and the amount might be different than expected.

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