How long does a transfer take?

Transfers Duration

Michael Bernard

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

We always move your money as quickly as possible. This is because we use decentralized blockchain routes to move funds, making it faster than most of our competitors.

When you set up your transfer on Zeenah, your estimate will change. The reason for this is simple — the more information we have about your transfer, the more accurately we can tell you how long it’ll take. And it depends on these 4 things:

  1. The countries you’re sending from and to
    Every currency and country is different. Converting your money can take a maximum of 2 working days, but it’s very rare that it takes this long. And how quick your transfer arrives depends on how quickly your recipient’s bank can process your money, as well as the ways you’re able to pay in the country you’re sending from.

  2. How you pay
    Some payment methods are quicker than others. For instance, Zeenah to Zeenah payments are normally instant, while bank transfers take longer.

3. What time you pay for your transfer
We can only move your money during normal banking hours. And things may take a little longer if the country you’re sending to has a national holiday.

4. Security checks:
We might need to verify things like your ID, address, or where you got the money from, when you make a transfer. We call this process verification, and it helps us keep you and your money safe. Verification can add extra time to your transfer on top of the initial estimation.

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